How to Turn Photos into Paintings with Photoshop - As time goes by, numerous editing effects can be applied to an image, ranging from turning it into a cartoon, adding blur effects, to making it appear as if it's a hand-drawn painting.

How to Turn Photos into Paintings with Photoshop

Can you imagine how easy it is to edit a photo into a painting? For those skilled in editing tools, this editing trick is quite simple. But if you need a tutorial, no problem, we'll learn together.

If you're not proficient in design but urgently need it, you can visit an online printing service for assistance. They offer general design services, brochure and banner designs, and comprehensive digital printing needs. If necessary, just visit an online printing service like Lautan Display.

However, once you can create your own designs, try using those skills for your needs. Now, let's start learning how to edit photos into paintings with Photoshop from the graphic studio.

Turn a photo into a painted image with Photoshop

Step 1

Turn a photo into a painted image with Photoshop

First, open Photoshop and select "Open" to open the image to be edited.

Click on the layer and press Ctrl+J to duplicate it into two layers. This will result in a background layer and a background copy layer.

Go to the "Image" menu -> "Adjustment" -> then click on "Shadows".

The Shadows window will appear, set the shadow to 35 and highlight to 0, then click OK.

Step 2

Turn a photo into a painted image with Photoshop

Click on the background copy layer, then duplicate it in the same way until the background copy layer 2 appears.

Select the "Filter" menu -> "Other" -> then "High Pass". Set the radius to 2 pixels, then click OK.

Change the blending mode from normal to overlay. Then select or block the top two layers (background copy layer and background copy layer 2), right-click, and merge layers. Now there are only 2 layers visible.

Go to the "Filter" menu -> "Sharpen" -> select "Unsharp Mask". A settings window will appear, change the amount to 100%, radius to 2, and threshold to 0, then click OK.

Next, go to the "Filter" menu again, this time select "Stylize" and click "Diffuse". Check "Anisotropic" in the settings window, then click OK.

Even after this step, there may not be significant changes to the image. Please be patient. Continue the photo editing process.

How to Turn Photos into Paintings with Photoshop

Go to the "Image" menu, then select "Image Rotation". Rotate the image by 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise.

Then go to the "Filter" menu and select "Diffuse".

Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the image returns to its original position. This is intended to make the image look better.

After that, go to the "Filter" menu, select "Noise", then "Reduce Noise". Set the strength to 10, leave the others at 0, and click OK.

Go to the "Filter" menu -> "Sharpen" -> select "Unsharp Mask". A settings window will appear, change the amount to 100%, radius to 2, and threshold to 0, then click OK.

Duplicate the layer again until there are 3 layers visible. Then select the "Filter" menu -> "Other" -> click "Pass". Set the radius to 2 pixels, then click OK. Change the blending mode to overlay.

After this step, the image should already look like a painting. If you want to add more effects, create a new layer and add color using the brush tool. Editing a photo into a painting is already 90% done, we'll discuss the rest in the next article.

Hope this helps!

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